Initial Acupuncture
Who it’s for: Your first visit with your chosen acupuncturist
What we will do: We will go through your medical history, past & current symptoms, concerns and aim to take your pulse and if possible have a quick look at your tongue (TCM style) completing your session with acupuncture.
Price: Enquire here
Time: up to 90mins

Acu Maintenance
Who it’s for: Your follow up appointment after you’ve seen us for your initial consultation and treatment
Price: Enquire here
Time: Up to 60mins

Facial Massage
Who it’s for: A relaxing massage where we bespoke the treatment to the individual using TCM methods such as gua sha, cupping & moxa. This is a hands-on treatment for muscular aches and pains for those who want to relax and who are not fond of needles.

To see what some of the above modalities are click here for more information.

Consultation will be needed beforehand to understand patient preferences.

Price: Enquire here
Time: 30mins

Cosmetic Acu
Who it’s for: for those wanting an anti-aging facial treatment, concerned with lines & wrinkles and want an overall glow.
What’s included: The use of Environ products, insertion of intradermal needles, facial massage, LED (light therapy)
Price: Enquire here
Time: 90mins